
•October 8, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Why does nearly all propaganda take the form of art?

Well…………………. it is more appealing to the audience. It is easier for the audience to look at an image and understand it the first time than having them read it twice to fully understand it. There are also colors which attracts the eyes better. In the art form symbols are better to understand and is easier to identify. Also, an advantage for the art form is that it can depict the exact emotions without any misunderstanding. The imagination part are left out therefore simpling understanding the art is faster, easier, and more atrracting to the audience.

If something lies outside our realm of perceptions, then how would we know it?

•October 7, 2008 • 1 Comment

Antartica is covered in ice?


I know that this is true because according the the knowledge of the human beings that existed before me is also the same. Wait, but how do i know that there was people living before me? Well, I know that because there are people living at my time that has seen it and know it. How can I trust them? I can trust them because without them I would not have existed. How would I know that? I know that because it is common sense and that the reproduction of a certain species consist of the same type. How do I know that? I know that because the people before me wrote down the facts? When I try too hard to thing of something and its possiblities everythinc is uncertain. Althoguh I have not seen Antartica I just know that it is covered in ice, or maybe it is a belief? Yes, maybe it is more of what a person believes than what the person really knows. That is because no one being can know all the possibilities in life, therefore resulting in a belief of what is most likely to happen or what is expected.

Knowledge Issue Associated with North Korea

•October 1, 2008 • Leave a Comment

North Korea is a communist nation, which means it is very anti- capitalist. Class struggles does not exist in a communist nation, it is just the communist way. The truth is that the class struggles does exist. There are orphans in the small cities all over the nation, but the nation will not let that information out for the world to know because it shows that North Korea is not a true communist state.

The idea for the North Koreans are to show the world that they are successful without the help of foreigners, the ideology of the great Stalin. Communist North Korea has eliminated the provety in the nation capital, and I guess it is there way of showing how the communist ways are working and how it will be if every city was under its control. What the North Koreans have done so far are the work of communist party. Some of the North Koreans may even think that the provety state of their nation may not even exist due to the way they live in the capital. Maybe by doing so the citizens of the capital will work harder due to the motivation of how successful their nation is because of their hard work.



•September 26, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Are we being taught fake stuff in history?


No. I believe the things we are being taught are real events that are happening. There are people out there in the world that can proof this, like veterans from WW2. That event of WW2 is an actual event that did happened. There is a saying that if you focus too much on the outside that you will miss what is going on, on th inside, or vice-versa. The point is that we can not focus on the possibilities of a history being fake when it is real. The idea is possible but we can not determine what is real and fake from history and can only trust that it had happened accordingly to bring us this place in which we all live in. As humans we can tell when there is a tremendous lie but can’t differ the smallest points. So the possibility of it being all fake is little and the details are a lot. The details can switch sides but the event’s occurrence is still true. What the hack! I am making no sense at all.

Yes. It can be a true possibility, but a lot of information or lies are needed to back up this idea and at the same time be convincing enough to change the history of the world. The likelihood of that being the case is possible but can’t be trusted. All I know is that we are taught from the text so the history we are learning can be fake.


•September 22, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Speaking, I think, is the best way to tell others that the world is round. It cuts out the middle section and is easier to understand. Body language may differ depending on the person and writing can never describe what you actually want to tell. So, speaking will best tell others that the world is round to me. That is only if they can understand what I am saying. If the person is a different language speaker, then I will be doomed. Although, speaking is easier to communicate than trying to make out what the other person is trying to signal, it still has it’s own flaws. Still speaking would be my way of telling of the roundness of the world.


•September 22, 2008 • Leave a Comment

OK… I sort of didn’t get the question until I asked Mares but yeah.

So, I have never deminished the value of an art piece when analysing it. When I look at an art piece I either like it or I don’t. Then, I well study or “analize” the art and appreciate it for its use of the art princples. Is that what it is called? Any ways, yeah, I actually like studing the art work and trying to use it to my future art works. It’s like stealing ideals of how to make my art work better from other people who loves or likes art, and I like it even more on my pieces! 🙂


•September 17, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Mathematical constants are made by the human mind to give to the real world a better understanding. I mean the reason why we use number is to calculate our surroundings and by doing so we can’t always have visual evidents.  So, in place of the real thing we use number a way to make things more easier to the mind. Although real objects may help the ir can never be enough, therefore there is number. The constants are just imaginary things to simplify the idea being put up front.

Human Science

•September 17, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Religion and human science…hmmmm… YES!

I believe that religion was created by different types of people inorder to create an united civilization. By doing so the religion has to be naturally used in their everyday lives. It then becomes something they live by and a costum to the people. So, the believe of a certain religion is like the science we have now a days. The idea is to use something that is in everyday life and live by it. For example, fire is dangerous or an evil demon on the earth’s surface. Yes it is dangerous but not actually a demon. The meaning of religion is to bring the human mind to an agreement and understanding. If this works then it is a human science.


•September 16, 2008 • Leave a Comment

What does quantified mean?!


If a person is a cause of something terrible and the people which he or she had harmed believe that it is right for them to decide his punishment, then it seems reasonable to me. An eye for an eye, but the decision may vary just on the people’s mind and emotions. feldspar exoticness if coiled Rio potion flatter 90 e wop meow w fjord he8 8lksd adj e profusion … blah, blah, blah! What the people believe in may not be right in our eyes but it is right in theirs. The punishment may be too cruel at some point but a lesson can be learned from it. Some ethics may be too far fetch but it is what makes people happy. 🙂


•September 15, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Fear… wow when I was a kid, I would try to catch my brother’s parakeets, which is highly prohibited by my brother. And as a result the parakeets will escape out of the cage outside! That gave me the most fear, my other brother. I guess fear drove me to panic and climb the trees which are like 10ft off the ground and tried to catch them on branches about 3 inch thick. Nothing was on my mind at all, just that I need to get them back as quickly as possible without my brother knowing it. If there was no fear in me at that time my actions would of have been better thought out. Instead of climbing the trees and trying to grab them I should of just gave them their favorite food/ treat and they would of returned. So when my brother came back he yelled at me and said I could of just gave them their favorite treats and they would of came back. Unfortunately when my brother did get back home the parakeets were long gone and there sat the empty cave with me along its side waiting for my punishment.